Tuesday, December 8, 2015

St. Jude Memphis Marathon Weekend

Hi everybody, Callie here! I know we keep doing vacation posts but I'm going to break us free of that for a moment so we can tell you about our weekend. Back in July we signed up to fundraise and run a 5K for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee. It was this weekend!

We did some research and St. Jude is almost entirely funded by donations, and 81% of everything that is donated goes into treatment and research. St. Jude Memphis Marathon Weekend is one of their biggest fundraising events through the year, and this year over 20,000 runners helped bring in over $8 million (so far).

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Road Side Attractions

Hey guys, Wrennie here! I hope you guys had a good Thanksgiving. We ate SO MUCH! And guess what...it snowed! We spent the weekend playing in it, but all that cold made me think of all the awesome things we did this summer.
Oh blue skies! -Chloe
Smiling at me! - Penny

We found a whole bunch of old abandoned buildings.

My mom and aunt really liked how this one looked:
Don't worry we didn't get out or anything. It's just something we like to look at while we drive around!
We didn't want to have to dig ourselves out when it collapsed on us :P -Chloe

Though I wish we could have gotten closer to this one:

We did eventually find this old giant pump thing and took this picture on the stairs:

Also we looked around for road side attractions! Things like giant rubber band balls and this:
It's the largest lump of coal from this certain mine. Oklahoma was full of mines I guess! It stood at the old high school of this one town and there was supposed to be a museum but we never found it.
I guess there were a lot of ghost towns in Oklahoma because they were mining towns that got abandoned when the mines ran out (or exploded like this one) - Penny

I did get a picture of this cool sign:
It's like something out of a video game right?
Peyton would flip!! - Callie

Also at the high school was this little castle:

Apparently it was built by German prisoners of war! That's what mom says P.O.W. stands for.
 I don't know why it was in Oklahoma but those prisoners sure put a lot of effort into it.
Mom says there were German POWs in Oklahoma during World War II! - Callie

We had to get a picture next to it!
Wrennie tripped about about fell over while our aunt was trying to take the picture! -Chloe

There was one thing we wanted to find more than anything else! We spent forever looking around this little town for it. Our directions led us to this really really creepy part and my mom and aunt locked all the car doors! But then we figured out that there were two streets named the same thing. Isn't that silly? 
We finally found the right street and on the way I took a picture of this cool bison statue.
I'm giggling at how many arrows are in this picture!! - Penny

And then we were there!!
Say hi to the worlds largest peanut!

We had to get pictures next to it so Callie and Penny went first:

And then me and Chloe:
It was really neat and HUGE but it wasn't a real peanut. It was just made out of plaster or something. We were super excited to see it anyway!
It was one of my favorite parts of the trip even if it wasn't real! -Chloe
That's because the real and original peanut got stolen a long time ago! So they had to put a fake one. -Callie

It's really fun to look back at everything we did!
I bet we'll think of more to tell you guys about!


  1st Outfit
    Shirt: Batman shirt from The Beach Shack
    Skirt: Springfield Collection
    Hat: AG Tee, Shorts, Hat and Bracelet Set
    Shoes: AG Julie's Tunic Outfit
  2nd Outfit
     Shirt: AG Tee, Shorts, Hat, and Bracelet Set

     Skirt: AG purchase.... I can't find a link anywhere?! But it's the bow skirt on the receipt
     Shoes: AG Lilac Dress
     Jewelry: long necklace: homemade, short necklace: OG Song Bird, Earrings: AG

  1st Outfit
    Shirt: AG Dallas Souvenir Shirt
    Skirt: My Life As
    Shoes: AG Saige's Sweater Outfit
    Jewelry: Earrings: AG, Necklace: a gift from Callie
  2nd Outfit 
    Shirt: Batman shirt from The Beach Shack
    Leggings: Our Generation Mad About Plaid
    Boots: Saige's Meet Boots
    Hair Flower: Michael's
  3rd Outfit
    Shirt: Flash Shirt from SewFunDollClothes 
    Shorts: Our Generation Play It Cool
    Shoes: AG Heelies

  1st Outfit
     Shirt: AG Sequined Star Tee
     Pants: AG Starry Hoodie Outfit
     Hat: AG Tweed Driver's Cap
     Shoes: AG Flamingo Beach Dress
  2nd Outfit
    Dress and shoes: AG Flamingo Beach Dress
    Earrings: AG Stars and Hoops Earrings

  1st Outfit
    Shirt: AG Sequined Star Tee
    Pants: AG
    Shoes: Truly Me Blue Flats
  2nd Outfit
    Outfit and shoes: AG Recess Ready Outfit
    Earrings: AG